The musicianship of Barbara Baier, a native of Bayreuth, can be found at opera- and operetta- as well as in musical- or carol-performances.
After her vocal studies at the Folkwang University in Essen, she was engaged as a soloist on many German stages, among other things in Dortmund, Bremen and also at the Bayreuth Wagner Festival.
Guest contracts brought her to Helsinki, New York, Geneva, Saint Moritz, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Lugano, Jerusalem and Vienna.
In 2004 Barbara Baier started a lectureship in vocals at the University of Bayreuth and informs with big success, which can also be said about her teaching activity at the Municipal-Music-School in Kulmbach.
Numerous of her students and pupils received highly decorated prizes, for instance at the “Youth Makes Music” competition.
It is to be owed to her initiative that the Zamirchoir, in which many of her students participate, was established in spring 2006.
Barbara Baier, as the musical leader of the choir, leads with a lot of engagement and esprit.