For a theatrical professional the integration of a producer and actor isn’t out of the ordinary. Oftentimes the longing for unity of a theatrical image urges the actors to create their own scripts, or at least their own transformations and blends of the previously approbated stories.
Such is the credo of Inna Pavliuk. Her new musical solo performance is still another attempt to stage the personal reflections of the classical music. The music associated primarily with the harpsichord or the organ. Therefore Harpsichord Novelettes, presented on Mon., July 30, 2018, on the Philharmonic stage, will be accompanied by the harpsichord from Olena Matseliukh, and will definitely become a theatrical catch-phrase or a unique view from the prompter’s booth on the versatility of the 3rd International Summer Festival Pizzicato e Cantabile.
"The harpsichord is usually associated with a distant past. What was life like back in the antiquity? What did people think about? Who did they fall in love with? What kind of future did they envisage? Non-contemporary magic sounds can carry us back to the times enveloped in legends. The combination of words and fine music awaits the viewers in my program. "
Foyer of Lviv Philharmonic Society
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