Avant-garde classics - Lviv National Philharmonic

Avant-garde classics

Концертний зал Людкевича

Tuesday 29.09.2020 / 19:00

Концертний зал Людкевича

Квитки можна придбати в касі філармонії . Вартість квитків 100 грн



József Örmény, piano /UA/

In the programme:

  • Valentyn Sylvestrov (UA / *1937)

Sonata No. 2, dedicated to Oleksiy Lubimov (1975)

  • Józef Koffler (UA-PL / 1896-1944)

Variations on 12 tones, Op. 9 (1927)

  • Olivier Messiaen (FR / 1908-1992)

“Regard de la vierge” from “Vingt Regards sur l’enfant-Jésus” (1944)

  • György Kurtág (HU / *1926)

12 új mikrolúdium (12 New microludes):


  • Untitled.
  • Agitato.
  • Útvesztö Dé (Labyrinthine D).
  • Hommage á Szabó Ferenc. Nóta (Time).
  • Hommage á Somlyó György. Árnyjáték (Shadow-play 4).
  • Hommage á Mihály András.
  • Konok Ász (Obstinate A falat).
  • Vivo.
  • Hommage á J.S.B.
  • Hommage á Stockhausen.


  • Toru Takemitsu (JP / 1930-1996)

“Les yeus clos II” (1988)

  • Valentyn Bibik (UA / 1940-2003)

Sonata No. 4, Op. 41 (1981)

Supported by :

Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics

In partnership with:

Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics

Mediapartner of The Claquers Festival

Lviv National Philharmonic - Avant-garde classics
