Mykola Khshanovskyi – composer - Lviv National Philharmonic

Mykola Khshanovskyi – composer

General information

Composer, beatmaker, musician. He is the author of various directions and genres of music: contemporary classic, electro-acoustic music, acousmatic music, music for theatre performances, music for objects, house, techno, glitch, hip-hop, trape, disco, edm, dancehall, minimal, psychill. 2007–2011 studied at the Rivne College of Music as a musicologist. 2016 – Master’s degree in composition (Lviv National Music Academy named after M. Lysenko).

He has attended numerous seminars and workshops with well-known composers, such as Johannes Schöllhorn [DE], Jerzy Kornowicz [PL], Clemens Gadenstätter [AT], Caspar Johannes Walter [DE], Wojciech Widlak [PL], Elżbieta Sikora [PL-FR], Jörg Birkenkötter [DE], Klaus Lang [AT], Sergej Newski [RU-DE], Martin Schuttler [DE], Alla Zagaykevych [UA], Sarah Nemtsov (DE), Matthias Kranebitter (AT), Dariusz Przybylski (PL), Maksym Kolomiiets (UA).

Participant of international master classes of new music “Course” (from 2014 to 2018), project “International Electroacoustic Workshops” (Kyiv, 2017), winner of the 1st prize in international competition of arts “Stankovych Fest” (2017) and 3rd prize in composers international competition “Gradus ad Parnassum” (Kyiv, 2016). Mykola’s music has been performed within numerous festivals and projects, including “Musical meetings of polish and ukrainian youth” (Lviv, 2014), “Academy” (Lviv, 2015), “DonCult” (Lviv, 2015), “aXes.Triduum Muzyki Nowej” (Kraków, 2015), XIV International Forum “Youth Music” (Kyiv, 2016), “Miesiąc Lwowski ESK” (Wrocław, 2016), “Sacred space” (Lviv, 2016), “Lviv premieres” (Lviv, 2016), “Desk Music” (Lviv, 2016, curator), “Synthèse” (Lviv, 2017, curator), “Contrasts” (Lviv, 2014–2019), “One Cubed” (Lviv, 2017), “OUA-EMF2017” (Osaka, 2017), “New music of Lviv” (Kyiv, 2017), “Vox Electronica” (Lviv, 2014–2019), “Two days and two nights of new music” (Odessa, 2015–2019). Also Mykola wrote music for theatrical performances “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (First Theater, Lviv, 2018), “Chasing Two Hares” (student’s work at Lesya Theater, Lviv, 2018), “Pit” (student’s work at First Theater, Lviv, 2019).

Сircle of interest: contemporary classic, electronic music, techno music, music for video games, graphic scores, audio performances, music for poetry readings, for dance commands, music for club and more. Also, composer is constantly actively updating the list of his own works “for tape”.



