Petro Titaiev – violin - Lviv National Philharmonic

Petro Titaiev – violin

General information

He was born in 1988 in Lutsk (Ukraine) in a family of musicians. Winner of international and national competitions. At the age of 5 he started playing the violin. As a soloist he took part in various concerts in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Russia. Peter was study in Lviv Secondary Special Music Boarding School named after  S. Krushelnytska and Lviv National Music Academy named after M.Lysenko.

Since 2007 he has been a regular member of the famous Lviv Phoenix String Quartet and has toured in Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Estonia, Germany, the USA, Spain and the Netherlands. For a long time he was an artist of the Leopolis Orchestra and the INSO-Lviv Academic Youth Symphony Orchestra. Since 2012 he has been an active member of the Collegium Musicum Lviv art platform and concertmaster of the Collegium Musicum chamber orchestra.
