Julian Gau – conductor - Lviv National Philharmonic

Julian Gau – conductor

General information

Julian Gau is a Boston-based conductor, currently studying for a Master’s in orchestral conducting at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee. Born in New Jersey, he grew up as a pianist and cellist. He attended Brown University from 2015 to 2019, studying music and math; there he came to discover the art of conducting as a means of musical expression & community-building.

While studying at Brown, Julian was active as a conductor of orchestras and musical theatre productions. He acted as assistant conductor to the department-run Brown University Orchestra, and as conductor and founder of the student-run Brown University Chamber Orchestra. In the theatre, he directed West Side Story, Orpheus in the UnderworldThe Soldier’s Tale, and Into the Woods. Outside of school, he attended workshops led by teachers such as Larry Rachleff, Markand Thakar, and Kenneth Kiesler.

In addition to conducting, Julian has been active as a performer, composer, and community organizer. At Brown, he participated in chamber and orchestral ensembles as a pianist, cellist, and percussionist. His compositional efforts have included solo works, chamber pieces, and a one-act musical. He has also worked to foster community by creating and participating in music ensembles and social organizations. Since the pandemic, in addition to studying, he performs music live on Twitch and continues to organize virtual music projects. Outside of music, Julian enjoys reading modernist novels, cooking vegan meals, and nurturing friendships.
