Lubow Fit’o – producer - Lviv National Philharmonic

Lubow Fit’o – producer

General information

Born in Lviv 4.12.1962.
From 1970 to 1981 she studied at the Lviv General Music Specialized School named after. S. Krushelnytska (class of violin). After school, she entered the music college named after M. Shashkevich on the third year graduated from it in 1983 on the specialty of the orchestra soloist, teacher of the violin.
In 2013 she received the title of People’s Artist of Ukraine. From 2009 to 2012 she studied at the Kyiv Institute of Culture and Arts, specializing in the filmmaker, director. Graduated from the Institute with honors. Since 2012 she has been working as a director in Lviv region Philharmonic.
During her work, she started singing in the ensemble, which later became the vocal trio “House at the end of the street”. 27 years are his soloist and continue her’s creative activity, propagating the Ukrainian song all over the world.
Even now she sings in the church choir and has an inspiring life.
