Olena Zhukova - Lviv National Philharmonic

Olena Zhukova

General information

B. 03. 07. 1982. During the post-graduate-course-education in National Music Academy of Ukraine n. a. P. Tchaikovsky Olena Zhukova had been proofing her professional skills with Professors Svitlana Shabaltina (harpsichord) and Valeriy Kozlov (piano). In time of her studies in Academy she took part at master-courses of harpsichord and piano playing with Frederic Aguessy, Mikhail Arkadiev, Philippe Bianconi, Berngard Billiter, Teresa Dusso, Philippe Entremont, Alexis Galperin, Bernd Goetzke, Jay Gottlieb, Pierre Hantai, Ketil Haugsand, Wladislaw Klosewicz, Robert Kulek, Schmuel Ashkenazi, Noel Lee, Diana Ligeti, Christopher Stambridge, Marek Toporovski, Elzbeta Stefanska, Michel Ulmann, Aline Zylberajch and others.

At the present moment Olena Zhukova is an Associate Professor of the chamber ensemble in National music academy of Ukraine; teaches chamber ensemble in Lysenko Special Musical School, (Kyiv, Ukraine) and harpsichord at Glier music institute, where she had founded the harpsichord class. Plays numerous harpsichord and piano concerts as solo-player and also as accompanist and member of ensemble, chamber or symphonic orchestra with the main musical collectives of city of Kiev; also appears as an organist. Was the first performer of the pieces created for this occasion. Took part in numerous Music Festivals and at opera staging – as accompanist (among them “The Coffee-cantata” of J.-S. Bach at National Opera of Ukraine and “The telephone” by G. Menotti etc.). The member of Ukrainian Association of Pianists – laureates of international competitions. Performed together with soloist of Wien Staatsoper Olga Bezsmertna, soprano, and Soloist of Mariinsky theater Eleonora Vindau, soprano.

Collaborated as the Early music expert at the Radio “Aristocrats”, where with students and colleagues realized several projects with live music, visual art and lectures.

2001-2011 – accompanist of Opera staging department (Gluck’s «Orfeo», Walton’s «The Bear», Donizetti’s «Rita», Purcell’s «King Arthur», «Fairy Queen», «Dioclesian» etc.). Performed together with ensembles «Kiev-baroque-ensemble», «Offertorium», «Ars Amarilli», «Secundum artem», «Lege artis».

Awards and achievements:

1. Diploma of Russian youth competition of chamber ensembles (Russia, Novomoskovsk, 1995).

2. Diploma of International child’s musical festival „Visiting Ayvazovski” (Ukraine, Feodosia, 1996).

3. Diploma of the best concertmaster of Second international competition of performers on the wind instruments named after D. Bida (Ukraine, Lviv, 2000).

4. The First Prize of International competition of young performers „ХХІ-century art” (Ukraine, Kiev, Vorzel, 2003).

5. The Third Prize of International competition of young performers „ХХІ-century art” (Ukraine, Kiev, Vorzel, 2006).

6. The First Prize and Audience Prize of International competition “Three centuries of classical romance” (Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 2008).

7. The First Prize in “Section Solo”, The Absolute First Prize in Section “Bach Concerto for Harpsichord with an Orchestra” of Wanda Landowska Harpsichord Competition (Bari, Italy, 2014).

8. Diploma at Chopin Roma Competition (Rome, 2015)

9. Winner of the International Music Competition (Serbia, 2016, 2 piano section),

10. 1 Prize of International Tadini Competition (Lovere, Italy, 2016, piano duo)

11. 2 Prize of International Argento Competition (Gioia del Colle, Italy, 2017, piano duo)

Participant of the First harpsichord Festival „Cembalissimo“ (Hungary, Budapest), Montisi summer school (Italy), Dartington Summer school (UK), Olavsfestdagene (Norway), Festival Zeist Music Days, Fringe Oude Muziek Utrecht (The Netherlands).

Olena Zhukova has defended Ph. D. thesis “Piano music of Francis Poulenc in the context of French keyboard traditions” (2009).





