Serhii Smirnov – photographer - Lviv National Philharmonic

Serhii Smirnov – photographer

General information

Ukrainian photographer-innovator Serhii Smirnov impresses his contemporaries with his high skill and indomitable creative imagination. A subtle and intelligent artist, obsessed, he is engaged in shooting professionally and can make a “masterpiece” out of every photo.

By education – philologist (philology faculty of Lviv University) and photographer (Moscow Academy of Photography). His knowledge of science, which combines linguistics and literary studies, finds concrete realization in the profession of a photo artist.

This author knows how to convey those intimate moments that inspire a wonderful mood, life-giving force, and carry energy, and love for everything. In his works, the boundaries between time are blurred – everything is combined in one astral-artistic vortex, where each photograph resembles a microcosm, and the frames sing an elegy to the city. Everything is outlined, selected, everything is visible in relief – and elevates the spirit to unfathomable heights.

Visit Serhii Smirnov’s photo exhibition and you will feel the unique aura of the ancient city, the true, true face of Lviv and see the boundless love for it of all those who lived here once and live now.
