An accomplished visual artist, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art and a Master’s in Environmental Art from New York University. She works with Mixed Media and has shown her work through solo and group exhibitions in the USA, Italy, France, South Korea, and Singapore. While serving as the artistic director of Singapore’s Brownhill Consultancy, she curated numerous exhibitions, concerts, and festivals.
Her 2017 recital “Waltzes, Tangos and More” was met by an enthusiastic audience and aired on Korean national TV, KBS. In 2018 she was part of the Verdi Festival in Busseto and added Luxembourg to the list of countries where she has performed. For International Women’s Day 2019, she sang two different recital programs “Two Women, Two Evenings” on two consecutive days in Singapore’s prestigious Esplanade. Another successful program “French Operas, Ecstatic Moments” launched in May 2019 and was received by an enthusiastic audience in Singapore, Finland, and France. “French Operas, Ecstatic Moments” was supposed to continue its journey to Italy, Korea, and Spain in the 2019-2020 season, however, was suspended due to Covid-19. If 2020 was an extremely (but understandably) quiet year for her, 2021 was somewhat more active. During the first quarter of 2021, she performed in 8 zoom-concerts, and in summer as Berlin began to loosen the Cover restrictions, started performing in public again. In the fall/winter of 2021-2022 she gave 12 recitals in the Berlin area and 3 recitals at Singapore’s Esplanade with musicians from various horizons.