Sofiia studied at the Lviv Secondary Specialized Music School named after S. Krushelnytska on the piano (class N. Bliznyuk) and musicology departments. Continued her studies at the Lviv National Music Academy named after Mykola Lysenko, where she received diplomas of musicologist (Prof. L. Kiyanovska) and opera singer (Prof. V. Chaika). Also, she studied at the assistant-internship (Prof. I. Kushpler).
Since 2000 she has been living in Italy, where she has improved vocal skills first at the Academy of Opera (Osimo), later at the master classes by R. Kabaivanska, V. Matteuzzi, J. Gelmetti, K. Laureate of 14 international competitions, among them “J. B. Viotti “(Vercelli, Italy),” S. Ludkevich “(Toronto, Canada),” O. Dziino “(Rome, Italy) and others.
Performed on stage at the opera houses of Athens, Bergamo, Venice, Nice, Naples, Rome, Ljubljana, Luxembourg, participated in numerous festivals. Toured in countries like Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Chile, OAU.