Svitlana Pozdnysheva – organ - Lviv National Philharmonic

Svitlana Pozdnysheva – organ

General information

Piano, organ, harpsicord player.

Studied in Lviv State Music College and in Lviv National Music Academy. Here formed the main sphere of her creative interests – turning listeners’ attention to the little known piano repertoire. One can notice two core lines here. The first one – making the works of the forgotten Ukrainian artists more popular. Following this goal monoconcerts and sound records of the works by V.Bezkorovainyi, Ya.Yaroslavenko, B.Dmyralyk, I.Levytskyi, A.Rudnytskyi and others were prepared and realized.

The second line was represented by the rarely played piano compositions of ХХ-ХХІ centuries, thus the interpretation was closely connected with the research, seeking and educational activities. Among the favorite musicians – B.Bartok, A. Ginastera, D.Ligeti, as well as modern Ukrainian musicians.

Her activity is really diverse: she performs solo concerts, takes part in piano duet Svitlotin with Olha Striletska, chamber ensembles, she performs concerts-lections, creates interactive video-classes on keyboard instruments («Piano Family Stories»), she organizes music and inter-artistic events.

In 2017 she finished assistance-apprenticeship in the class of the associate professor Dovhan P.V. She started to study organ playing in the class of Ivan Dukhnych, improved her skills on the master-classes by Lorenzo Ghielmi in Utery. She is working as an accompanist in Lviv National Music Academy. Since 2020 – solo organ player in Lviv organ hall. She took part in multiple projects of Lviv Philharmonic Hall as a member of ensembles and orchestras. She performed concerts in many cities of Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, participated in different master-classes and festivals, such as “Chamber nights in Academy”, “Dzenzelivka Classical Week”, “LiudkevychFest”, “Pizzicato & Cantabile’.
