28 Contrasts. The Hammers and a Master - Lviv National Philharmonic

28 Contrasts. The Hammers and a Master

Wednesday 05.10.2022 / 19:00

Концертний зал Людкевича



Despite the innovations that are sometimes desperately strived by the present, the spirit of the past still flows in its veins, which initiated and inspired the emergence of the contemporary. Thus, in a concert with an allusive title, a reference to one of the greatest works of the famous avant-garde composer’s pen, you can find out the invariability of generations and their differences, get acquainted with the works written recently and hear the first transcription performance and the first public performance of the symphony of the outstanding master in Ukraine after the Russian invasion.

Leaving behind the intrigue regarding the works of the students of the Lviv National Music Academy, let’s turn to the final composition of the concert. The author of the arrangement, Hlib Fareniuk, said that the idea for such a project arose at the end of March, when he felt an inner need to listen to the Third Symphony by Borys Liatoshynskyi: “It was not just a way of spending time, the symphony seemed to speak: “Listen to me!”. Then Ukrainians and the whole world saw what Russia was turning Mariupol into and watched the feat of the Azov regiment. It was the moment when, for the first time in a long time, I felt like a listener [albeit listening with a score]; it became one of my biggest emotional impressions of music in general.”

Since none of the symphony orchestras has the most significant Ukrainian symphonist in their permanent symphony repertoire, Hlib Fareniuk’s idea was to create an opportunity for this music to be played frequently: Ukrainians need this piece, and every citizen should have the opportunity to hear this piece performed live.”

During the work, as the young composer notes, he “firmly became convinced of the absolute uniqueness of Liatoshynskyi as a musical phenomenon. I am extremely sorry that there is still an inferiority complex among a considerable number of Ukrainian musicians, although only Liatoshynskyi’s music is enough to place Ukraine on an equal footing in the history of great [world] music. An absolutely unique harmonic style, impeccable mastery of music form and dramaturgy (which is extremely important for a composer already in the 20th century), skilful mastery of orchestral writing… The perfection of the score also dictated the specifics of my work; I did not change a single note, only made sure that my arrangement reflected all the details of the musical form with the same relief. If I succeeded in this, it seems that the transcription can become a concert work and exist not only as an “appendix” of the symphony but also as a full-fledged work for two pianos. Conclusions can be made after the performance.”



  • Khrystyna Beniuk, piano
  • Solomiia Salamaniuk, piano
  • Hlib Fareniuk, piano
  • Vitalii Dvorovyi, piano



  • Piano works by the students-composers of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy:
    Alisa Formasiuk (2000). “In black & white” (2020)
    Ksenia Stetsenko. “Two pieces” (2021-2022)
    Anastasiia Sysenko (1998). “Stylos”  (2022)
    Marian Fil  (2000). “Three preludes”  (2019)
    Ihnatii Moiseiiv (2002). “Four preludes” (2021)
    Denys Kucher (2002). “Two pieces” (2022)
  • Borys Liatoshynskyi (1895–1968). Symphony No. 3, op. 50. Arrangement for two pianos and eight hands by Hlib Fareniuk (world premiere)


Moderator: Polina Kordovska


Live broadcast provided by:
Andrij Zelenyj, camera
Mykola Khshanovskyi, live broadcast director
Marian Lesiuk, sound director
Bohdan Sehin, producer


“Ukraine–2022. Muses Are Not Silent” is a concert series in support of Ukrainian musicians during the russian armed aggression. Online concerts will become a platform for the uniting of the Ukrainian music community, as many musicians participating in these concert programs have become internally displaced people and have found shelter in Lviv.

We provide a free opportunity for the whole world to watch concerts on the official YouTube channel of the Lviv National Philharmonic. At the same time, we suggest our listeners from abroad make charitable donations to Ukrainian musicians who have stayed here in Ukraine.

