Contrasts 27. Horizonts - Lviv National Philharmonic

Contrasts 27. Horizonts

Lyudkevych Concert Hall

Sunday 03.10.2021 / 18:00

Lyudkevych Concert Hall


Subscriptions are valid


The third day of the Contrasts International Contemporary Music Festival will celebrate the evening of symphonic premieres. Invited Swiss musician Simon Camartin, who will be the conduct of Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine, is a frequent guest of Contrasts. He constantly collaborates with soloists and orchestras of the international class, and this year brings to Lviv a unique program composed of music by 4 famous composers from Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. The premiere of Herman von Glenck’s score “Troubled Night” (Andrea Wiesli, piano), according to the conductor, “will be a sensational discovery”. Under the influence of Richard Strauss, the style of Glenck’s compositions developed into an original complexity: logical in structure and expressive.

Oscar Ulmer’s “Fantastic Dance Paintings” and Czeslaw Marek’s “Rural Scenes” will also turn up on the horizon of musical events. And while little is known about the first author’s work, except that some of his mature works were destroyed by the Gestapo, the second artist, on the contrary, is closely associated with the artistic Lviv, where he took piano and harmony lessons at the Music Institute, later became a famous teacher.

Finally, from previous epochs, the creative map of the concert evening will move to the modern Czech Republic. Connoisseurs consider Yaroslav Rybar’s music to be one of the best achievements of the 21st century. Therefore, the author appeals to space themes and the phenomenon of the “event horizon” (work with an identical title), Rybar forms many artificial layers of possible perception and reminds of the festival’s main theme. This is an imaginary surface, a point in space and time, beyond which the unknown lies (past): from here begins another (post). Where are we? “Moderne”.



  • Andrea Wiesli, piano (CH)
  • Yuriy Hryhorash, baritone (UA)
  • Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine
  • Simon Camartin, conductor (CH)



  • Hermann von Glenck (1883–1952, CH). “Unruhige Nacht” for piano and orchestra (1903, world premiere)
  • Oskar Ulmer (1883–1966, DE). “Phantastische Tanzbilder” (1947, world premiere)
  • Jaroslav Rybar (*1942, CZ). “Horizont udalosti”, new version (2020, world premiere)
  • Czeslaw Marek (1891–1985, PL). “Ländliche Szenen” for varitone and orchestra op. 30, 7 Polish folk songs for one voice and chamber orchestra (1929, Ukrainian premieres)
  • Hanna Havrylets (*1958, UA) “Duas idillas” (2021, world premiere)


The Music Department of the Zurich Central Library was founded in 1971 and quickly established itself as a scientific collection of European importance. In addition to larger holdings of printed music and sound recordings, the Music Department today has one of the largest Wagneriana collections in the world and has become an important repository of Swiss music manuscripts from the past 200 years. Its holdings include around 200 bequests of composers, musicians and musicologists such as Hans Georg Nägeli, Othmar Schoeck, Heinrich Sutermeister, Wladimir Vogel, Wilhelm Furtwängler and Paul Burkhard.

The Central Library makes fruitful use of the materials entrusted to it in a variety of ways. For example, a series of CDs with music from its holdings, ranging from Zwingli’s tenor songs to music of the late 20th century, is being published. Even at the lunchtime music in the Predigerchor, every programme contains at least one work that is in the Central Library as a manuscript, first or early print. These works, which are occasionally even premiered, are juxtaposed with famous pieces from the concert repertoire in order to place them in a larger historical context, and with the intention of thereby revealing correspondences and contrasts.

