Ihor Zakus’ music is characterized by special sensitivity, vulnerability, honesty, it is imbued with spirituality. A special and important place is occupied by the melody that Igor likes to arrange modern means of acoustic and electric sound, refined and colorful rhythm. Therefore, simplicity, depth, interesting rhythm, beautiful melody and a special place for acoustic and electric fretted and fretless bass. Igor interprets music as a language in which he talks about his thoughts, feelings, and experiences. He is a hopeless optimist, that’s why his music is sunny, even if it’s sad. It is full of faith, hope, love, and this is felt with special force in the album “A’ m Alive”, because these musical stories convey very strong emotions experienced during the war. But only faith, hope and love help to overcome evil. The colossal power of the music of the album “A’ m Alive” is added by the wonderful musicians playing togetherwith Igor They are real masters who believed in this story, were imbued with it and made it their own.
- Bendik Hofseth, tenot saxofon, vocal, lyrics
- Malou Oheix, vocal
- Claude Egea, flugelhorn
- Benoit Sourisse, piano
- Pierre Perchaud, guitar
- Igor Zakus, acoustic bass
- Andre Charlier, drums, percussion
- Faith
- Confession
- Fragility
- Hope
- Waiting
- The Way Home
- Happiness
- Love
- Dream