Об'єднуючи епохи та стилі, програма концерту вмістить як оригінальні композиції для акордеона, так і авторські перекладення. Солюватиме молодий, але відомий виконавець, лауреат міжнародних конкурсів Денис Снігірьов.
Концертний зал Людкевича
If you close your eyes and listen to the first of the program pieces by the accordion, an extraordinary instrument, you might think that a mighty organ is playing. Or an entire orchestra. The timbre possibilities of the accordion, namely its register nature, allow you to perform a wide variety of music from different eras and genres and instruments completely different from the accordion, as it seems at first glance.
Today, there is a vivid tendency to expand the accordion repertoire so that you will hear both arrangements and original compositions by the young talented musician Denys Snihiriov.