“KVITKA – known and unknown”

Oksana Mukha's solo concert till the 65th anniversary of Kvitka Cisyk. It's a solo concert of the singer, Oksana Mukha, she is a winner of the Grand Prix of the International competition of the Ukrainian romance named after Kvitka Cisyk. A unique concert program dedicated to the 65th birthday of the legendary Kvitka Cisyk. In the program of concerts "KVITKA — known and unknown" — the works performed by Kvitka in the original and variety symphonic sound. The favorite songs of the singer-legend will be performed by Oksana MUKHA, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, ROCK ORCHESTRA and honored guests.
"These are my concerts of gratitude to Kvitka," says singer Oksana Mukha. - This program I'll bring through a whole Ukraine to represent and popularize hers work. With Kvitka Cisyk I grew up and studied, I loved, my professional life began with her songs. She presented me with a song world of such spiritual and professional quality, which is still unknown in Ukraine. Kvitka invested enormous labor, a vast resource - spiritual and material, added her talent and reputation to write in one of her three albums: "This collection of songs is the desire of my Ukrainian heart to embroider the joyful yarns in the scattered life of a canvas on which the destiny of our people is embroidered. I dedicate the impulses of the undeveloped Ukrainian spirit and its endless competition on both sides of the ocean. "The project"KVITKA" is the result of Oksana Mukha's creative searches and her attempt to open the works of Kvitka Cisyk to the Ukrainians. In addition to the songs, there will be premieres, a film and an exhibition of photo columns from the singer. Together with the singer's family, Oksana Mukha is preparing new exclusive materials that Kvitka will reveal to us - the one we still did not know.
"For the KVITKA project, I will bring many pieces of my repertoire to the level of flowering standards, and this is very difficult. This will be a joyful concert, a concert meeting. With me on stage will be my friends-performers, as well as guests. We are preparing surprises and discoveries," adds Oksana Mukha.

In addition to Lviv, "KVITKA Known and Unknown" concerts are planned in April-May and in other cities of Western and Central Ukraine.

Saturday 28.04.2018 / 17:00

театр імені Марії Заньковецької (вул. Л. Українки, 1)

