Концертний зал Людкевича
Концертний зал Людкевича
Human nature is like this: no matter how happy and confident we are in the future, we always want to look into the future – to learn the sense of the universe, to get valuable tips, or to make sure that we have achieved our goals. But if we had known a few years ago how radically and irreversibly our lives would change during a full-scale war, what realities we would face, would we have believed it? Would you have the courage to believe?
Whether you like it or not, during the year of war all of us changed. We began to value moments and electricity, friends, and morning coffee. We used all our internal resources, donated all the savings we collected for travel, and learned to transform rage against the enemy into an all-encompassing love that unites us on the way to victory. The courage encoded in our genes has finally found its way out, even if we have no weapons in our hands. It is in the eyes, words, and actions. We should win with her, just like the hero of the cult “Tiger Hunters” Ivan Bagryany. The novel ends with a brilliant phrase that became the title of this INSO-Lviv orchestra concert – “The brave always have happiness!”