“Two Days & Two Nights of New Music” at “Contrasts”
Friday 07.10.2022 / 19:00
Концертний зал Людкевича
This evening, a unique program will be played, presented by performers from Ukraine (Odesa) and Austria. The world-famous bass-baritone Rupert Bergman, an actor and singer with an extraordinary range of technical abilities, will present to the public a number of mini-mono-operas, ingeniously organised in the most diverse blocks of the program. Ensemble “Senza Sforzando” from the legendary Odesa festival named “Two Days and Two Nights of New Music” will also display the most modern, premiere for Lviv, the authors’ interpretation of musical novelties of the first quarter of the 21st century.
Tetiana Muliar, soprano
Rupert Bergmann, bass-baritone
Ensemble “Senza Sforzando”: Nazar Kravchenko, flute Volodymyr Gitin, clarinet Irma Gotkova, piano Kateryna Korshomna, violin Yevgen Dovbysh, cello Zhelyazko Ivan, percussion Oleksandr Perepelytsia, piano & conductor, artistic director
Project “Ukrainian women creators with their weapons”
Karmella Tsepkolenko (1955). Cantata “Reading History” based on poetry by Oksana Zabuzhko (2022)
Hanna Kopiika(1983).Cantata “Feeling-2022” based on poetry Lina Kostenko (2022)
Asmati Chibalashvili(1986).“With Faith in Ukraine” based on poetry Yulia Dmytrenko-Despotashvili (2022)
Kira Maidenberg-Todorova(1985). “My beloved…” based on poetry by Valeria Zhigalina (2022)
Project “Mini-mono-operas with Rupert Bergman”
Rooted in Faith
Mykhailo Shved (1978). Psalm 137 for bass-baritone, clarinet, cello and percussion (2019)
Kira Maidenberg-Todorova. “Conversion and Mission of Paul”, Mini-mono-opera, Libretto / Text Collage from the New Testament: Rupert Bergmann for clarinet, violoncello, percussion and piano. World premiere
Instrumental Intermezzo 1
Julia Gomelska (1964–2016). “Wings of East Wind” (2010) for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano
Some Poetry
Julia Gomelska. “Miracles in Places” from “Flashbacks of a Tired Popstar” for violin and piano (2014)
Werner Schulze (1952). “Tauf- und Trinkspruch | Kinder-Reim,-Träum, Treib’n | Niesen” from “Sketches & Catches” op. 14A (2017)
Karmella Tsepkolenko. Mini-mono-opera “Die Uhr” for bass-baritone, violin and piano (2007/2013). Poems by Werner Brambach, dedicated to
Rupert Bergmann
Instrumental Intermezzo 2
Andrii Merkhel (1986). “Temporary protection: unsentimental nocturnes for Alika” episode at 9 moments for chamber ensemble (2022), world premiere
A Little Animal Zoo
Elena Sataite (1992). “Nachash” /נָחָש / Serpent for bass-baritone and ensemble, (2019)
Anna Stoyanova (1991). “Lion” for bass-baritone, flute, piano, cello and two tom-toms (2019)
Ihor Zavgorodnii (1988). “Hydrodamalis gigas” for bass-baritone and ensemble (2019)
Asmati Chibalashvili (1986). “A Gorilla and a Butterfly” by poem Danielle Lagas for bass-baritone, flute, percussion, cello and piano (2018)
With the support of the OeAD Cooperation Office L’viv
Moderator: Polina Kordovska
Live broadcast provided by:
Andrij Zelenyj, camera
Mykola Khshanovskyi, live broadcast director
Marian Lesiuk, sound director
Bohdan Sehin, producer
“Ukraine–2022. Muses Are Not Silent” is a concert series in support of Ukrainian musicians during the russian armed aggression. Online concerts will become a platform for the uniting of the Ukrainian music community, as many musicians participating in these concert programs have become internally displaced people and have found shelter in Lviv.
We provide a free opportunity for the whole world to watch concerts on the official YouTube channel of the Lviv National Philharmonic. At the same time, we suggest our listeners from abroad make charitable donations to Ukrainian musicians who have stayed here in Ukraine.