Lviv Philharmonic is recording a soundtrack for a film about Ukrainian children during the war - Lviv National Philharmonic

Lviv Philharmonic is recording a soundtrack for a film about Ukrainian children during the war


The world-famous director and philanthropist Pritan Ambroase visited the Myroslav Skoryk Lviv National Philharmonic. He is the initiator, producer and director of the film “Can I Go Home Now?” and arrived at the Philharmonic to record the soundtrack for the documentary. This newly created, touching and powerful film gives children suffering from the long and terrible war in Ukraine a chance to express themselves.

The Lviv National Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and the “Trembita” Choir Chapel joined the recording.

As Pritan Ambroase stated, “I have done a lot of work in my Foundation to spread kindness and humanity all over the world for Ukraine. I’ve been supporting Ukraine since the first day February 24 2022 last year I also started working with kids last year. That’s when the idea for the film “Can I go home now?” is important because I realized that people are bored of the news. People do not respond to the news no one’s caring. Also the news has moved on to other needs, people have forgotten about Ukraine. This film has a heart, has kindness. It will be all about reaching people’s hearts and that’s what’s important about our film. I’m hoping the whole world can watch it and it will make the world take action in support of Ukraine and Ukraine’s children”

The music for the entire film was composed by two-time Oscar winner Alla Rakha Rahman. Lviv composer Andrii Yatskiv, a Grammy winner, also created a composition “Lullaby for a Girl in a Red Coat.”

Lviv National Philharmonic - Lviv Philharmonic is recording a soundtrack for a film about Ukrainian children during the war

Андрій Яцків та Прітан Ембройз

Involved charitable foundation “Hope for Ukraine”  actively promotes this event.

Pritan Ambroase also noted that he likes Lviv very much for its artistic spirit and moods felt everywhere.



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