Концертний зал Людкевича
More than one generation of contemporary Ukrainian musicians grew up at the Contrasts. They were attracted to the Philharmonic by a rebellious desire for new music they had never heard, and the euphoria of live communication with like-minded people. But what was the first edition of the Contrasts? In whose names was the word “beginning” uttered? The opening of Contrasts-30 will build a symbolic bridge from the first festival: as in 1995, on September 27, 2024, Valentyn Silvestrov, Myroslav Skoryk, Yevhen Stankovych, Oleksandr Kozarenko, and Ihor Shcherbakov will perform. A little later, in 1996, they were joined by Lviv composer Yurii Laniuk, whose “Music for Reshersh” was performed by the Lviv Chamber Symphony Orchestra.
This time, the works of new Ukrainian classics will be performed by the Academic Chamber Orchestra “Virtuosos of Lviv”, which is the same age as the festival, so it is not the first time that their anniversary events are held together. For example, 15 years ago at Contrasts, the orchestra presented one of its most popular CDs, Music of Lviv, and the first Ukrainian performance of Carl Jenkins’ Requiem for Choir and Orchestra was memorable at the twentieth festival.